Wahlen der NCHA Direktoren für Europa

Dieses Jahr stehen wieder die Wahlen der NCHA Direktoren für Europa – der Area 26 – an.

Zwei unserer Deutschen Vertreter stehen künftig leider nicht mehr zur Wahl. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn sich für die kommende Wahl wieder 2-3 Personen für dieses Amt zur Verfügung stellen, um weiter ein Teil der Entwicklung im Europäischen Cuttingsport zu sein.

Jeder von Euch, der auch Mitglied der NCHA USA ist, kann sich aufstellen lassen! Die genauen Kriterien sind unten gelistet. Die Frist seine Kandidatur einzureichen wurde bis zum 21. Februar 2022 verlängert – also auf geht’s!

Auszug aus der E-Mail der NCHA USA an alle Mitglieder

Attention All NCHA European Members:

If you have any interest in becoming an NCHA Director to represent your area and you meet the criteria listed below, please contact the NCHA office.  We currently have two (2) open seats to serve and represent Europe for the 2022 election.  These positions will commence June 5,2022 for a duration of three (3) years of service ending at the annual convention in 2025.  A full job description is attached for quick reference.

Eligibility requirements and commitments for service on the Board of Directors which shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • membership in the Association in good standing for a minimum of three years
  • attainment of at least twenty-one years of age
  • agreement to attend Directors’ meetings as set forth herein
  • permanent or primary residence in the Director District the member seeks to represent, which shall be determined by the address used by such member for governmental election voting purposes, or, if such member is not registered to vote, by the address used by such member in the member’s most recent federal income tax return; and
  • absence of any felony convictions on record.

If you have any interest, please complete and email a director consent form (attached) to [email protected] as designee for the Executive Director, Jay Winborn to be considered by the incoming President Ted Sokol for appointment.